A big thank you for the intent of reading this blog. Hope it will be useful for you as a parent.
I hope you are safe and sound in these times.
The scenario in today’s world is as such that we are left with no option but to surrender ourselves to staying at home and this is for the safety of our own self till the time all of us learn how to live with Coronavirus. YES! you read it right. We need to learn to live with the virus. The reason why I am saying this is because till the time there is no vaccine to the virus, there will be no solution as per today’s medical science. SO are we going to lock our children all up and wait for a year or so when there will be a potential vaccine.
The answer is NO.
The corona virus pandemic has allowed us to teach our children a totally different norms of the society. Human beings being at the epitome of being social finds it the most difficult to distance itself from being social.
First, develop yourself according to the present conditions.
Educate your child about SOCIAL DISTANCING
Children are always taught to mingle with their peers, elders and family members. Now as the norms are changing this habit needs a little bit of redevelopment. Children need to be taught to keep a safe distance from the people around them. Schools need to educate children through various do at home drills for this. You can tell your child to stand approximately 6 feet apart from you and guide him to do various tasks being guided to him by the parent. The only condition he cannot cross the line of 6 feet distance. (the line has to be drawn by the parent)
This is a fun example on how to teach your kids social distancing.
Second, No Touching
Children have a habit of touching almost everything, but now you need to educate them not to. This is very important considering the fact that the virus being lethal could be present on anything and might find a potential carrier, things which are at home can be sanitized by the parent or help, but things which are out of reach outside needs to be taken into consideration.
Third, Going to market or stores
It is although highly recommended that while going to a store or market you better leave your kid back at home with the other family members but we know it is always not possible. SO, if you have to take your kids out educate them accordingly about social distancing and not to wander around the store in a free manner, apart from this usage of masks and gloves are highly recommended.
Fourth, Training about wearing masks and gloves
Kids often find it very discomforting to wear an extra layer of clothing. But as we live in India either due to pollution or this time around because of Virus we need to develop a habit in our kids to wear these two new add-on. Its not necessary that kids need to wear masks bought from a pharmaceutical shop, a cloth at home(sanitized well before) can/shall be used to make a masks or even gloves.
last but not the least, your kids immune system.
No matter how much we argue and discuss but the corona is not going anywhere near the year’s end or till a vaccine is generated. So, are we going to sit back and just look at things from our own home’s comfort. The big question is how long will it be comfortable ? Is it going to be always considering online education system in our country is very weak and needs time to develop. Either you accept it or not, your child will have to go to school, play outside and meet people, the virus is going nowhere soon !
So what can really keep child safe? It is their immune system. Studies have shown that virus is less likely to effect those who have a strong immune system.
So, stop letting your child spend the whole day munching snacks and playing video games rather help to get closer to the nature. Develop good eating habits, prefer to master their taste buds with healthy alternatives like green tea etc. Remember your children likes what you expose in front of them. I have always been a believer of the fact that parents expose their children to unhealthy either because of their own laziness or because of their own unhealthy lifestyle. Some parents also open this argument that they want to develop the digestion abilities of their children so that the kid able to digest if he eats food from outside. See, I agree with you in some ways but eating for fun sometimes and eating junk everyday are two very different things.
So develop good habits in your child and help him develop good immune system !
Disclaimer: The opinions and suggestions are of the writer of this article, the website is not responsible for it.
We advise you to consult your doctor, dietitian or medical expert before starting any diet plan or medications. We do not recommend any to you.
If you have any objections with the content of this article write into us at [email protected] or [email protected]
For more details you can check out this article by WHO – https://www.who.int/news-room/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat-coronavirus/healthyathome/healthyathome—healthy-parenting?gclid=CjwKCAjwkun1BRAIEiwA2mJRWXmd_Hi-iv9lhjvkgEtfxKTQ_W-xMKiVY0D97H9W3x1Aja_3fmsc5RoC37IQAvD_BwE